

How to Stay Connected with Your Team
While Working Remotely

Is your business team now part of what Time magazine calls “The World’s Largest Work-From-Home Experiment”?

As Americans stay home in droves and work remotely, the sense of “team” is undeniably diminished. In fact, Gallup has found that working remotely often causes feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as a sense of doubt about the company’s mission. Some fear that engagement and productivity will ultimately suffer.

But how can companies stay connected during this time of social distancing?  Zoom meetings and conference calls are a necessary but limited solution. They do little to build your team’s morale during this difficult time. And group outings  are discouraged for containment reasons.

So what can be done to foster the sense of “teamwork” once again?

The Custom Craft Solution

Imagine if you could reach out to each individual team member and reinforce the bond so that, once this crisis has passed, you’d be ahead of the competition with a solidly performing, loyal team. And what if you could do all that without creating more work for yourself?

We at Custom Craft Trophy & Embroidery have the solution…

An online portal for all your employees – including the remote workers — filled with choices for your valued team to select from!  They’ll be given e-gift certificates to choose whatever they want, and…Voila! We handle everything from there – creating the product and shipping it directly to their home address.

If it sounds too good to be true, just take a look at this example:

Easy as 1-2-3

And the process is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. You reach out to us.
  2. We schedule a needs assessment telephone call.
  3. We build the online store and issue your e-gift certificates.

That’s it. And BOOM – you’re miles ahead of the competition, and your intact team will be ready to hit the ground running.

Contact Custom Craft today…let’s roll!

Featured Image: Pixabay


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